Click HERE for Important Information for Licensees struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues.

***SCAM ALERT!!! - All licensees be aware of an ongoing scam. A licensee may receive a call from a person impersonating an investigator, board member, or another government agency official. The call may come from a random cell phone number or spoofing the Division of Professional Regulation’s main phone number of (302) 744-4500. Click HERE for more information.***

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Division of
Professional Regulation

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I apply for an Athlete Agent registration?
  2. When does my registration expire?
  3. How much is a registration?
  4. When can I apply for a registration?




How do I apply for an Athlete Agent registration?

Answer: See Registration Requirements.


When does my registration expire?

Answer: See Registration Renewal.


How much is a registration?

Answer: See Fee Schedule.


When can I apply for a registration?

Answer: You can apply for a registration at any time through DELPROS, our professional online licensure system. You just need a log-in, complete the application and upload your supporting documents, and pay the fee with a credit card. We will send you email notifications throughout the application process. When you are notified that you are approved, you may print your registration online.


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