Click HERE for Important Information for Licensees struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues.

***SCAM ALERT!!! - All licensees be aware of an ongoing scam. A licensee may receive a call from a person impersonating an investigator, board member, or another government agency official. The call may come from a random cell phone number or spoofing the Division of Professional Regulation’s main phone number of (302) 744-4500. Click HERE for more information.***

If you are unable to reach us by phone, submit your inquiry via email at More Info logo
Division of
Professional Regulation


Applications and requests for services (referred to as Service Requests) are processed in DELPROS, our online licensing portal. DELPROS provides you with instructions for submitting the forms required to complete a license application or service request. The submission method depends on the type of form. Some forms you can upload directly to your application or service request as an attachment in DELPROS.  Others must be mailed to the office and you must “acknowledge” the submission in DELPROS. Follow the directions in DELPROS to avoid delays in the processing of your application or service request.

Forms for Licensure

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