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***SCAM ALERT!!! - All licensees be aware of an ongoing scam. A licensee may receive a call from a person impersonating an investigator, board member, or another government agency official. The call may come from a random cell phone number or spoofing the Division of Professional Regulation’s main phone number of (302) 744-4500. Click HERE for more information.***

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Division of
Professional Regulation

Appraisal Management Company

When to Apply

Submit an application for registration as an Appraisal Management Company in Delaware when the business:

  • engages (or tries to engage) directly or indirectly in business as an appraisal management company, or
  • performs (or tries to perform) directly or indirectly appraisal management services, or
  • advertises or holds itself out as engaging in or conducting business as an appraisal management company.

If the company has more than one office that will conduct business in Delaware, only one registration is required for all of the offices.

Do not submit an Appraisal Management Company application when the business employs real estate appraisers to perform all real property appraisal services in the normal course of its business and is responsible for ensuring that its employees perform the services in accordance with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and federal and state law (24 Del. C. §4023). Such businesses are not required to register as appraisal management companies.

Controlling Person Requirements

Each appraisal management company applying for Delaware registration must designate one person who will be the contact for all communication between the Council and the appraisal management company. This contact person is termed the controlling person.

To serve as an appraisal management company’s controlling person, the person selected must:

  • meet the requirements in 24 Del. C. § 4002 (10)
  • arrange for the Council office to receive State of Delaware and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records
  • certify to the Council that no financial, real estate or mortgage lending industry license or certificate issued to them by any state (including Delaware) has ever been refused, denied, canceled, revoked or voluntarily surrendered, unless the license or certificate was later granted or reinstated.


No person who owns an appraisal management company or who is a principal of the company or who is its controlling person (as defined above) may have had any financial, real estate, real estate appraiser or mortgage lending industry license or certificate refused, denied, canceled, revoked or voluntarily surrendered in lieu of revocation for substantive cause, in any state (including Delaware) unless the license or certificate was subsequently granted or reinstated. At its discretion, the Council may waive this requirement by appeal.

Note: States frequently suspend or revoke for situations that are typically considered non-substantive causes, like the failure to pay taxes or child support. This does not have to prohibit the owner from AMC ownership of the AMC as a whole from being registered with the State.

Information on How to Apply for a License in DELPROS

All applications are submitted our online system DELPROS. We no longer accept paper applications.


In order to apply for a license or submit a service request, you must first have a DELPROS user account. To LOG IN or CREATE a DELPROS (Delaware Professional Regulation Online Services) user account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click GO on the Apply/Manage a License and Service Requests tile.
  3. If you do not have a DELPROS user account, click the REGISTER button on the left side of page for NEW USERS.
  4. If you already have a DELPROS user account, enter your email address and password on the right side for EXISTING USERS and click the LOGIN button.

DELPROS allows you to save your incomplete application and return to it later to finish the process. You only have six (6) months to submit your application once you begin.

  • If you do not submit your application within six months of starting it, you will be required to restart the entire online application again.

You may check the status of your application online throughout the entire application process by using the “View Application Status” feature in DELPROS on your e-License dashboard.


  1. Know the requirements for the license you are pursuing.
  2. Request and gather all documents required to upload on the Attachments page. All information and forms are located on your profession’s webpages.


On the ATTACHMENTS page of your application, you may be instructed to:

  • either “attach” or “upload” the required document(s) directly to your application. This means you will find the document(s) saved on your computer or device and upload it to your application.
  • click “acknowledge.” This means you will either have to mail the documents yourself or request the “third-party” mail the document(s) directly to the Board office.
    • Examples of “third-party forms” are transcripts from schools, employment verifications from a supervisor, and license verifications from another state.
  • Forms requiring a supervisor signature, seal, or notary may have to be MAILED to the Board office directly UNLESS the document specifically indicates to UPLOAD the document.

The requirements for this license type are provided in the following section(s).


In addition to submitting the application and fee in DELPROS, you must submit:

  • Proof of a surety bond in the amount of at least $20,000.
  • A Certificate of Individual form completed and signed by the appraisal management company’s controlling person and each person who owns more than 10% of the company.
  • Each person who completes a Certificate of Individual form must complete a State of Delaware and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background check (CBC). Go to the Criminal Background Check Process page to find the Service Code required to obtain a State of Delaware and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background check. Once you have your Service Code, you will be directed to the IdentoGO website for instructions to complete the fingerprinting process.
    • Criminal background checks completed for any other purpose (e.g., employment, licensure in other states) will not meet this requirement.

Reporting Changes

An owner or controlling person of an Appraisal Management Company must notify the Council office within ten days any change in the company’s owners or controlling person if:

  • The business is a corporation not domiciled in Delaware, notify the Council office by email if the company’s registered agent for service of process in Delaware changes.
  • The change involves a new controlling person or owner who owns more than 10% of the business and who has not previously submitted a Certificate of Individual form, the new controlling person or owner must complete, sign and submit a Certificate of Individual form.
  • The change involves a new controlling person or owner who owns more than 10% of the business who has not previously submitted State of Delaware and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background checks, the new controlling person or owner must complete the Criminal History Record Check Authorization form and follow the instructions on the form to arrange to be fingerprinted.
  • The company’s controlling person or any of the company’s owners are arrested for any crime other than minor traffic violations, you must notify the Council office by email within three days .
  • If the ownership of the business changes, a new application is required.

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