Click HERE for Important Information for Licensees struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues.
***SCAM ALERT!!! - All licensees be aware of an ongoing scam. A licensee may receive a call from a person impersonating an investigator, board member, or another government agency official. The call may come from a random cell phone number or spoofing the Division of Professional Regulation’s main phone number of (302) 744-4500. Click HERE for more information.***
If you are unable to reach us by phone, submit your inquiry via email at More Info
As a licensed healthcare provider, do I have to report unprofessional conduct of my co-workers?
Answer: See Mandatory Reports Related to Healtcare Providers.
If I need help in filing my complaint, is there someone I can talk to about the complaint?
Answer: You may call the Division of Professional Regulation Information Center at (302) 744-4500. If necessary, the Information Center will refer you to an investigator who can discuss any concerns you have. If you need help filing the complaint, you can meet with investigator who will help you.
Is it possible to not reveal my name to the person about whom I am complaining?
Answer: Yes, that is a possibility and the decision is made on an individual basis. You must bear in mind that there are some complaints where it is not feasible to avoid releasing your name. For example, if we need your medical records in order to investigate your complaint, we have no alternative but to disclose your name.
Will I have to testify at a hearing if one is held?
Answer: Each case must be judged independently. If we are able to develop a case against the licensee without your testimony, it would be unnecessary for you to testify. However, if your testimony is needed to go forward with prosecution, you would need to testify.
Related Topics: Department of State, Division of Professional Regulation, DPR, State of Delaware