Click HERE for Important Information for Licensees struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues.
***SCAM ALERT!!! - All licensees be aware of an ongoing scam. A licensee may receive a call from a person impersonating an investigator, board member, or another government agency official. The call may come from a random cell phone number or spoofing the Division of Professional Regulation’s main phone number of (302) 744-4500. Click HERE for more information.***
If you are unable to reach us by phone, submit your inquiry via email at More Info
Question: How do I obtain a Verification of licensure history?
Answer: See Request a License Verification.
Question: How do I place a license on inactive status?
Answer: If you hold an active license but are not practicing in Delaware, you may request to place your license in inactive status by submitting a Service Request for an Inactive License Request in DELPROS online portal. You must request inactive status before the expiration date of your license. If your expiration date has passed, you must first renew your license, then request inactive status. You cannot practice in Delaware while your license is in inactive status.
To maintain your inactive license, you must renew it in DELPROS before the April 30 of even years. Renewal will keep your license in inactive status for two more years. You may keep your license in inactive status for an unlimited period of time.
Question: How do I reactivate my inactive Salesperson license?
Answer: To resume practicing in Delaware, you must request to reactivate your license by submitting a Service Request for Reactivation of Inactive Licenses in DELPROS online portal, pay a reactivation fee and submit proof that you have completed the required continuing education if required. To get to the Service Request page, you will have to first log in using your DELPROS online user account information.
Question: How do I transfer a license?
Answer: To transfer your license to another broker or firm, you must submit a Service Request for a RE License Transfer in DELPROS online portal.
Question: How do I reinstate an expired license?
Answer: You may submit an late online renewal application in DELPROS online portal for up to 60 days after your license expiration date. However, if your license has been expired for more than sixty days, you must apply to reinstate your license in DELPROS. See Section 12.0 of the Commission’s Rules and Regulations for more information. The Commission will review your application at its monthly meeting. If you need to sit for any portion(s) of the examination, the Commission office will notify you.
When you pass the required portion(s) of the examination, you must send the original score report that you receive from Pearson VUE to the Commission office.
Question: As a broker, how do I terminate a licensee?
Answer: To terminate a licensee, you must submit a Service Request for a Termination of License by Releasing Broker in DELPROS, the online professional licensure system. DELPROS will instruct you and advise you on the documents to submit. To get to the Service Request page, you will have to first log in using your DELPROS online user account information.
Question: How do I change the name of an established real estate office?
Answer: The broker of record must submit a Service Request in DELPROS online portal. If the office is located outside Delaware, also submit a certification of licensure history for the broker of record or the office showing the office’s new name.
Note that the broker of record must submit a Service Request when:
Question: How do I apply to be a course provider?
Answer: To become a CE provider, you must create an account in DELPROS and submit a Service Request for CE Provider Approval. You will need to create a DELPROS user account first. Then you must provide full information about course(s) you are offering. The Board will review the application and supporting documents for approval and you will be notified. Also, refer to the Education Guidelines.
Question: How long is my certification as a course provider or instructor valid?
Answer: Certification for both course providers and instructor applicants is valid for a two-year period. You must submit a new application to the Education Committee office by the end of the two-year period. There is no renewal process in effect for these certifications.
Question: Are course provider certifications transferable?
Answer: No. Course certification pertains only to the organization or person named on the application for that particular offering. It is not valid for sponsorship by another organization, which must apply for its own certification.
Question: As a course provider, how should I prepare course completion certificates that are acceptable to the Commission?
Answer: Samples of initial and re-issued certificates, showing the required content of each, are available at Sample Certificates.
Question: What are the rules and regulations governing Real Estate advertising?
Answer: Please see 8.6 in Rules and Regulations.
Question: Where do I find a copy of the Landlord-Tenant Code?
Answer: Please see the Delaware Department of Justice’s resource page on Landlord-Tenant code.
Related Topics: Department of State, frequently asked questions, Real Estate Commission, State of Delaware