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Division of
Professional Regulation

Homeowner Permit

General Information

  • Homeowner permits are required for new construction projects, renovations, and any work that requires a building permit.   Generally, homeowners’ permits are not required for replacement in kind.  Permits are valid for only one year and are not renewable.
  • Prior to applying for a Delaware homeowners permit: you will be required to have your plan reviewed, approved, and stamped for approval by a licensed Delaware Inspection Agency.
    • Your plan must meet all Code requirements including but not limited to, correct wire type and sizing, proper receptacle placement and spacing, AFCI and GFCI protection where required, receptacles meeting any required ‘TR’ and ‘WR’ ratings, and proper circuit origin and labeling requirements.
    • You are required to upload a copy of the approved “Delaware Homeowner Permit Inspection Agency Plan Review” form and a diagram of your plan with your Delaware Homeowner permit application.

    A diagram of an acceptable sample plan can be found here: Homeowner Permit Sample Plan Diagram


Under the Homeowner Permit Rules and Regulations:

  • All work must be completed by the owner-occupant.
  • All Installations completed must meet all current National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements as adopted by the Delaware State Fire Prevention Commission.
  • A single-family dwelling must be on the site or under construction before a homeowner’s permit is issued.
  • Homeowner permits will not be issued for:
    • Homes that are for sale or rent
    • Condominiums, townhomes, multi-unit residential buildings, apartment complexes or duplexes
    • Any property that is commercial in nature (ex. Home daycares, Home Salons, Etc.)
  • A homeowner is not permitted to install his or her own internal wiring, electrical work or
    equipment associated with a hot tub or a swimming pool.
  • A homeowner’s permit issued for a mobile home on a leased lot authorizes feeder installation for the mobile home itself but does not include installation or repair of service equipment.
  • If a homeowner permit is approved for a dwelling on a lot, other structures on the same lot, such as a non-commercial garage, are also covered unless prohibited under Section 14.0 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations.

Information on How to Apply for a License in DELPROS

All applications are submitted our online system DELPROS.

  • Click on the titles below in each section to expand the information.
In order to apply for a license or submit a service request, you must first have a DELPROS user account . To LOG IN or CREATE a DELPROS (Delaware Professional Regulation Online Services) user account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click GO on the Apply/Manage a License and Service Requests tile.
  3. If you do not have a DELPROS user account, click the REGISTER button on the left side of page for NEW USERS.
  4. If you already have a DELPROS user account, enter your email address and password on the right side for EXISTING USERS and click the LOGIN button.

DELPROS allows you to save your incomplete application and return to it later to finish the process. You only have six (6) months to submit your application once you begin.

  • If you do not submit your application within six months of starting it, you will be required to restart the entire online application again.

You may check the status of your application online throughout the entire application process by using the “View Application Status” feature in DELPROS on your e-License dashboard.

  1. Know the requirements for the license you are pursuing.
  2. Request and gather all documents required to upload on the Attachments page. All information and forms are located on your profession’s webpages.
On the ATTACHMENTS page of your application, you may be instructed to:

  • either “attach” or “upload” the required document(s) directly to your application. This means you will find the document(s) saved on your computer or device and upload it to your application, or
  • click “acknowledge” . This means you will either have to mail the documents yourself or request the “third-party” mail the document(s) directly to the Board office.
    • Examples of “third-party forms” are transcripts from schools, employment verifications from a supervisor, and license verifications from another state.
  • Forms requiring a supervisor signature, seal, or notary may have to be MAILED to the Board office directly UNLESS the document specifically indicates to UPLOAD the document.

The requirements for this license type are provided in the following section(s).


In addition to submitting the application and fee in DELPROS, you must submit:

  • Proof of home ownership in the form of any of the following:
    • Copy of all pages of the official, signed Deed with Recorder of Deeds stamp which has been
      recorded at the County Recorder of Deeds Office. If you need a copy, contact the county office where the home is located: New Castle County (302) 395-7700, Kent County (302) 744-2314, Sussex County (302) 855-7785, OR
    • Copy of the long-term lease, e.g. 99 years, if the site of the dwelling is part of a community where title to the land is not conveyed by deed to the homeowner, OR
    • Copy of the title to a mobile home, OR
    • Written contract of sale for a mobile home, signed by the parties, that includes the names of the buyer and seller, contract price, date of sale, and identification number of the mobile home.
  • A copy of the homeowner’s driver’s license or other photo identification.
  • A copy of your plan for work to be completed with an approval stamp from a DE Board approved Electrical Inspection Agency. Prior to applying for a Delaware homeowners permit, you will be required to have your plan reviewed, approved, and stamped for approval by a licensed Delaware Inspection Agency.

Inspection Requirements

A listing of the Delaware Approved Inspection Agencies can be found here: Licensed Electrical Inspection Agencies

Inspections are required in these situations:
1. Within five days of starting the work under a Delaware Homeowners permit, contact one of the Delaware-licensed inspection agencies to have the electrical work inspected.

2. Before installing dry wall, you will need to contact one of the Delaware-licensed inspection agencies for a “rough in” inspection.

If you have any questions about the electrical code, contact a licensed inspection agency.

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