When to Apply
A pharmacy located outside Delaware must hold a Delaware Non-Resident Pharmacy permit in order to ship, mail, or deliver, in any manner, any controlled substance or prescription drug to a patient in Delaware (24 Del. C. §2535). Non-Resident Pharmacies must comply with Title 24, Chapter 25 of the Delaware Code when dispensing for Delaware clients.
Submit an application for Non-Resident Pharmacy licensure when:
- Applying for an initial Delaware Non-Resident Pharmacy permit, or
- Re-applying after a previous Delaware Non-Resident Pharmacy permit has lapsed and is no longer renewable, or
- Applying for a new Non-Resident Pharmacy permit due to a change of ownership or controlling interest. (Permits are not transferable.) The application must be filed within 30 days of the ownership change.
You do not have to submit an application when either of the following events occurs. In these situations, see Reporting Non-Resident Pharmacy Change of Address or Name below.
- Relocation of pharmacy or other address change where no change in controlling interest has occurred.
- Name change where no change in controlling interest has occurred.
Important Information about Delaware Controlled Substances Registration
If the non-resident pharmacy dispenses controlled substances to patients in Delaware, submit a separate Facility Controlled Substances – Facility application in DELPROS. If the non-resident pharmacy must submit a new application or re-application for a Non-Resident Pharmacy permit (e.g., due to ownership change), a new application or re-application for controlled substance registration application is also required.
A Non-Resident Pharmacy must have a Delaware Pharmacy permit, Delaware controlled substance registration and federal DEA permit before storing and/or dispensing controlled substances in Delaware.
Information on How to Apply for a License in DELPROS
All applications are submitted via our online system DELPROS. We no longer accept paper applications.
In order to apply for a license or submit a Service Request, you must first have a DELPROS user account. To LOG IN or CREATE a DELPROS (Delaware Professional Regulation Online Services) user account:
- Go to: https://delpros.delaware.gov/OH_HomePage.
- Click GO on the Apply/Manage a License and Service Requests tile.
- If you do not have a DELPROS user account, click the REGISTER button on the left side of page for NEW USERS.
- If you already have a DELPROS user account, enter your email address and password on the right side for EXISTING USERS and click the LOGIN button.
DELPROS allows you to save your incomplete application and return to it later to finish the process. You only have six (6) months to submit your application once you begin.
- If you do not submit your application within six months of starting it, you will be required to restart the entire online application again.
You may check the status of your application online throughout the entire application process by using the “View Application Status” feature in DELPROS on your e-License dashboard.
- Know the requirements for the license you are pursuing.
- Request and gather all documents required to upload on the Attachments page. All information and forms are located on your profession’s webpages.
On the ATTACHMENTS page of your application, you may be instructed to:
- either “attach” or “upload” the required document(s) directly to your application. This means you will find the document(s) saved on your computer or device and upload it to your application.
- click “acknowledge.” This means you will either have to mail the documents yourself or request the “third-party” mail the document(s) directly to the Board office.
- Examples of “third-party forms” are transcripts from schools, employment verifications from a supervisor, and license verifications from another state.
- Forms requiring a supervisor signature, seal, or notary may have to be MAILED to the Board office directly UNLESS the document specifically indicates to UPLOAD the document.
The requirements for this license type are provided in the following section(s).
These requirements apply to all applications, whether initial filing or re-application. In addition to submitting the application and fee in DELPROS, you must submit:
- A copy of each permit, registration or license held by this pharmacy in the jurisdiction (state, U.S. territory or District of Columbia) where it is located and dispenses medications.
- A separate list for each owner, corporate officer, pharmacist and non-registered pharmacy employee listed on the online application with:
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Mailing Address
- A sample label showing the pharmacy’s toll-free number 24 Del. C. §2537(a)(4) and the following requirements from 24 Del. C. §2522(b):
- Prescription number
- The date the prescription is dispensed
- Patient’s full name
- Brand or established name and strength of the drug to the extent that it can be measured
- Practitioner’s directions as found on the prescription
- Practitioner’s name
- Name and address of the dispensing pharmacy or practitioner
- A copy of the most recent inspection report from the licensing agency of the jurisdiction where the pharmacy is located.
- A sample patient profile that meets the requirements of Section 5.0 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations. Label each of the following required items on the sample profile:
- Patient’s family name and first name
- Patient’s address and phone number (or location in institution)
- Patient’s gender and age or date of birth
- Original date the medication is dispensed after receiving the prescription
- Number or designation for prescription
- Prescriber’s name
- Name, strength, quantity, directions and refill information of drug dispensed
- Appropriate directions must also be present if medication is for patients in institutions
- Initials of dispensing pharmacist and date of dispensing medication as a refill if those initials and date are not recorded on original prescription
- If patient refuses to give all or part of the required information, indicate and initial in the appropriate area
- Pharmacist comments relevant to the patient’s drug therapy, including any other information peculiar to the specific patient or drug
- Notes on the patient’s allergies, idiosyncrasies, chronic diseases, frequently used over-the-counter medications. If none, this must also be shown on the profile.
Reporting a Change in Pharmacist-In-Charge (PIC)
When a pharmacy facility has a pharmacist-in-charge change, the OUTGOING (former) pharmacist must notify the Board of Pharmacy in writing within 10 days of termination as PIC. The INCOMING (new) pharmacist must complete and submit a Report of Pharmacist-in-Charge Change and Acknowledgment Form to the Board of Pharmacy. Once reviewed, the changes will be documented on the facility’s license profile. These forms can be submitted via:
If the Pharmacy is located outside of Delaware, the following additional requirements apply to the INCOMING (new) PIC:
- The incoming PIC must read the responsibilities listed in Section 3.1 of the Board’s Rules and Regulations.
- The incoming PIC may serve as a PIC for only one pharmacy at a time (24 Del. C. § 2528 (a)(2)).
- The incoming PIC is NOT required to hold a Delaware Pharmacist license.
- The incoming PIC is NOT required to appear at a Board meeting for a PIC Interview.
The incoming PIC is NOT required to complete the Pharmacist-in-Charge Self Inspection Form within 30 days or by February 1 of each year thereafter. This is primarily for Delaware-located and licensed pharmacy facilities to be utilized upon state inspections; however, this form can be used to ensure your pharmacy complies with all state and federal laws governing pharmacy practice.
Reporting a Non-Resident Pharmacy Change of Address or Name
You may report an address change or a name change by submitting a Service Request in DELPROS-provided no change of ownership or controlling interest has occurred. You must report the change within 10 days of its occurrence.
- To report an address change:
- You need to write a letter that includes, the pharmacy name as it appears on the current permit, license number, old address, new address, effective date and reason for the address change.
- submit the letter in DELPROS by using the “Submit Additional Documentation” OPTION on the license tile.
- submit a Name Change Service Request in DELPROS. The license number will not change. When completed, you will be notified and you may print the updated license.
Controlled Substances Registration
IMPORTANT: The facility also manufacturers controlled substances, you must submit a separate Controlled Substances – Facility application in the DELPROS online portal.
If the pharmacy opens additional sites where medications will be dispensed, you must submit an application for a permit for each additional business site.